Dr. Lindell Kemmet, DDS
He wears cowboy boots with his scrubs.. just because.
His scruffy beard is the envy of every Hollywood wanna-be cowboy
He has lit a match against his cheek. Once.
It has been said that Superman has pajamas with his logo.
We just call him, “Dr. Kemmet.”
Dr. Kemmet grew up on a farm near Tappen, ND where his father farms and runs a water/irrigation well drilling company. His father jokes that he stayed in the family business drilling holes. The rest of Dr. Kemmet’s family, his mother and sister, are registered nurses. It is easy to see why dentistry, with its hands-on, practical application to medicine was a draw to him with his solid North Dakota born and bred background!
Uniquely, Dr. Kemmet attended a boarding high school in West St. Paul, MN, St. Croix Lutheran High School, then received his degree in Chemistry from NDSU in Fargo. He went on to receive his degree in Dental Surgery from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis in 2007. Dr. Kemmet initially practiced in South Dakota for nearly 3 years with the Indian Health Service before joining a residency program in Oklahoma for an additional year after that. He then moved back to Minneapolis for 2 years and worked for a large private practice group dental office, as well as for Children’s Dental Services, a low-income high-need dental service where he practiced throughout the Minneapolis/St. Paul area in Head Start facilities, grade schools, and middle schools.
In 2012, Dr. Kemmet made the decision to move back “home” to North Dakota. To him, Minot was the perfect blend of city and country. He purchased the dental practice of Dr. Curtis Kumpf, and within 18 months had relocated his practice, freshly redesigned by his friend Chris Hawley, to its current location in the heart of the Town & Country Center Mall.
Dr. Kemmet loves family time with his wife Grace and their three children, two dogs and cat. They are always finding ways to road trip for a hike in the mountains, fishing with his friends for charity, or finding a concert to attend. His life hobby has been prairie dog “hunting” which really is just long-distance precision shooting. They are currently enjoying gardening, home renovations, and anything else they can do together.
Professionally Dr. Kemmet doesn’t seem to know the meaning of slowing down. He is always looking to advance not only his own knowledge, but the field of dentistry itself in the rapidly changing field of airway related dentistry and growth and development, where his passion lies. He has mentored classes at Spear Education in Scottsdale Arizona since 2010 in areas from same-day crowns with CEREC technology, to treatment planning, and now focusing on Airway.
In addition to running Kemmet Dental Design, Dr. Kemmet is working to change how dentistry is taught in ND. It was Dr Kemmet’s vision of helping our community of dentistry in ND through increased access to dental hygiene and assistant training. He believes we have just scratched the surface of where we need to be. He has a goal to double our Nursing classes in Minot as well as triple our Dental Hygiene and assisting classes to help alleviate our national shortage and grow our community. To accomplish this, he envisions a full dental hygiene clinic where extern dentists from regional dental schools can complete their training and current dental assistants and hygienists from other areas in our country can also learn expanded function dentistry. This would help alleviate the demand for dental services in west and northwest ND and help our city and state residents with the best care possible. Fires start with a spark, and he has no shortage of fire in his passion for dentistry.
Marvel Comics has pitched a new superhero movie, though Dr Kemmet doesn’t want anyone to think that this is fantasy. It’s for real life, as Bluey would say.